Celebration Weekend
Bishop Keith’s Celebration Dinner: March 28, 2025
Consecration and Reception: March 29, 2025
We are preparing to celebrate the ministry of our Diocese, remembering and giving thanks to the Lord for the ministry of Bishop Keith Andrews and Gail and celebrating the ministry of Bishop-elect Phil Ashey and Julie and his consecration as our Third Bishop.
We want everyone to be present, if at all possible, and to give an opportunity to financially support this Celebration Weekend. If you are able to make an offering, we are deeply grateful and we promise that funds received will be put toward direct costs of the Celebration Weekend.
Space is limited for both the Friday Evening Celebration Dinner and the Saturday Consecration and Reception.
Please encourage your friends to register early.
Space for seating on Saturday morning at the Consecration is first come, first served.
Parking is also limited, so please carpool to both events.
If you wish to financially support this Celebration Weekend through a freewill offering over and above the registration fees, please do so either by writing a check payable to the Diocese of Western Anglicans with ‘Celebration Weekend’ in the memo line and mailed to 346 Termino Ave, Long Beach, CA 90814, or by using the form below.